Everything ... has a price  ...by romanian author Adrian Dumitru

Everything ... has a price  ...by romanian author Adrian Dumitru

Blog Article






Today ... when i want something ... i ask myself ... what is really the price of that?!

And .... the next logical questions are ... can i afford to pay that ... and do i really want to pay it?!

3 simple questions.

Even a kid ... could understand such a process ... but ... it is funny cause ... at least for my own case ... it took me about 40 years to realise it.

Somehow is ... ridiculous.


But ... today ... i know myself well.

I am extremely slow.

And .... It is even worst ... cause it takes me a very long time to accept obviously truths.

It is not normal ... i know.

I am ... illogical.

Especially ... for my age.

But ... more i look around myself ... more i realise that i am same as the others.

Most probably ... i've learnt from them to practice ... the nonsense ... in continuous form.


Somehow .... today ... i simple say to myself .... each time i want something ... "Listen ... dear idiot! Don't forget about the price! You like it or not ... you'll have to pay .... for all."

So ... I've became more realistic.

I am not dreaming ... as a child anymore ... believing things are happening like ... in fairy tales.

I believe in motivation ... but motivation is not related to the world of magic.

I must be ... logical.

I must follow simple steps ... on mental level ... but also act for real on the stage of life.


Download the book ”INSERT COIN

...and the Universe will give whatever you dream about.
The real philosophy beyond motivation” written by the author writer Adrian Gabriel Dumitru for FREE.



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Apple Books - https://books.apple.com/ro/book/insert-coin/id6657979342


or www.adriangabrieldumitru.com



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